So we finally made it... we are here in sunny Cali, where the weather never changes! It's true. The weather hasn't change since probably April. The temperatures have been steady at 75-80, and the nights have remained cool at mid-50s. I will probably like it once the winter rolls around, but for now, I am dying to see a drop of rain! It is very dusty here and my allergies tend to act up more (which, coming from the north Eastern coast, shouldn't be happening in September.)
We are finally unpacked and adjusting to home life. Rachel is enjoying being home, I think, and I've been enjoying the home life and being able to run errands during the day.
We confirmed that we will be coming home for Christmas to Erie, so that is something to look forward to! Dates will be confirmed soon. I'm not sure when or how long we will get to stay, but I am hoping to stay through the New Year. We'll see how Spencer's schedule works out.
I know my poor brother has been bugging me to keep up with this blog, so here goes nothing. I will do my best. Rachel would like to say a few words:
I'm pretty sure that means I love you. kl. gb (also courtesy of Rach) =)