Friday, February 15, 2008

A Guilty Pleasure

Most of the celeb gossip sites online remind me of the days in high school when kids would try to out-do each other's insults of the class [dork/jock/insert favorable stereotype here], inevitably droning on with more and more heartless drivel to see how many snickers they can get out of their audience. And I'm not talking about the Perez Hilton types of gossips who worship the own ground they walk on; it's the ones who probably loathe Perez Hilton and all others with the surname "Hilton."

But sometimes I come along some humor that is well-appreciated and written with a bit of care - dare I say nearly high-brow humor? - shining some truth on an otherwise ironic and painfully obvious situation. To wit: Click Here. (In order to avoid any copyright infringement on my part, you'll have to read the blog post at the site, since it includes a picture.)

Gossip blogs aren't known for their high-brow humor; how many nicknames can you come up for Paris Hilton? I've read so many, and none of them are safe for a family blog like this. I think the cleanest one I've read ever is Parasite Hilton. Now that's saying something.

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