Friday, November 13, 2009

A Funny for Friday the 13th

I dropped off Rachel at school this morning, came home, and emptied and re-filled the dishwasher.  I got myself some breakfast while Sela wailed for me to feed her too.  I got her latched on, drank my vanilla soy milk, ate two pieces of raisin toast, and started doing my web-surfing ritual.  Sela fell asleep.  Then it dawned on me that I was chanting "jellyfishing, jellyfishing, jellyfishing," a la Spongebob Squarepants, in tune with the rinse cycle of the dishwasher.  Because that's what it sounds like.

If you find my senses, please return them to me.  Thanks.

Skip to 1:23. It's the only one I could find.

1 comment:

k-gram said...

Spongebob Square Pants will live on as a "classic" t.v. cartoon. I know it has a huge adult following. I wonder if it can make the grade of: "The Rocky and Bulwinkle Show."...full of adult satire posing as kids' fare. I challenge Ozzie's recall of the cold-war characters: "Boris Badenoff" and his spy- partner-girlfriend, "Natasha"...we adults knew they were spoofs of operatives in the USSR's KGB... and then there was the character: "Simon bar Sinister" whose name I thought was of particular interest. Since St. Peter's name was "Simon bar Jona" the meaning of his name "Simon, son of Sinister" was singularly clever. Was Simon supposed to really be a spy in HAMAS (sp.?)Network of Israel???...
I love cartoons that have hidden meanings like these.

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