Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dr. Nonflow, Urologist

Dear readers - It's been a very long while since I posted, and I do apologize.  You've all been hanging in there with me and I hope to let the writing bug drive me to the computer more often.  Between sickness, Easter and more life-changing events in our household, I've been neglecting the more fun things in life!

Now, on topic:  This is why social media is a benefit, especially when presented on the Internet.  I found this link through a Facebook friend who is also an MT, and when I say I laughed 'til I cried, it means that you should get thyself a potty break before reading.  

Horse on a Mattress is the medical transcriptionist's answer to Cake Wrecks or Regretsy.  Sometimes in speech recognition software, you get a lot of nonsense that the MT has to edit and fix to match the dictation.  But sometimes you get some kick-ass doctor's names, among other bloopers.  Read and enjoy!

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