Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Gone Phishing

...but instead of bringing in the catch, someone else is yanking it away. I usually don't like to kick off the month with a PSA, but the Internet sure is slippery, like our scaled friends of the sea.

I had my first official experience with a phishing site today. Luckily, they did not get away with my information this time - but I changed my password nonetheless, since I did click on the link. A fellow MySpace friend had posted a comment with a broken link, and usually, when people do that, it's a cutesy graphic denoting the particular special holiday of the month or wishing me a Happy Birthday or some other nice gesture.

But when I clicked on that comment, it directed me to the MySpace login page. Now, I know that those cutesy graphics will usually direct me to their homepage of their origin, but then I noticed that I was directed to a site called www dot myspacei dot com (this is so no one clicks on it through this blog). See that itty bitty change in the domain name? That's so a hacker can trick you into putting your login information and use your account to post nasty pictures and make generally boozy, frat-like comments on your bulletin board and gather your personal info, among other things.

So, be mindful of what you click, and don't take anything at face value. Nothing like a good ol' dose of reality to remind us of the days when things were innocent, carefree, and only had the daunting task of counting down the days to when Santa would leave a load of gifts under the tree.

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